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Closing Ceremony | Training Workshop on Water Management in Rice-based Cropping Systems under Lancang Mekong Cooperation

On November 19, 2023, themed Water Management in Rice-based Cropping Systems, the training program co-organized by School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering and State Ley Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, was officially closed. A total of 26 scholars from ThuyLoi University, Yangon Technological University, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Chulalongkorn University, and National University of Laos, the Ministry of Education and Sport and Irrigation Department of Laos, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forest of Laos attended the program. The closing ceremony was presided by the director of International Research Center for Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Professor Dong Bin of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering. The vice dean of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering of Wuhan University, Professor Xiong Lihua attended the ceremony and gave an address on behalf of the school. On behalf of the State Ley Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Professor Qian Zhongdong from the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, delivered a speech.

The dean extended sincere thanks to all the participants from afar. He then highlighted the importance of formed friendships and networks for future collaborations within the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation. He mentioned that the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering remains dedicated to advancing research and education in these fields and welcomes future cooperation and extended warm welcome to those interested in studying or researching in China. After the speech, he distributed the certificate to all the Lancang-Mekong scholars.

Professor Qian noted that the State Ley Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management is an important bridge between China and BRI partners. On behalf of the laboratory, he welcomed professors specialized in hydropower and water resources to cooperate with WHU and establish joint research center together. He also encouraged them to apply for the fund in order to better future collaboration.

On behalf of all the participants, the vice dean of the faculty of water resources of National University of Laos shared his thoughts and comments of this training workshop. Professor CHANTHAVONGSA shared his feeling with one Chinese proverb “读万卷书不如行万里路.” He then expressed his amazement at the new projects and technologies in China and mentioned that he has learned a lot in the last two weeks. He also extended thanks to all the professors and assistants.

Professor Dong proposed his suggestion on establishing an academic network within which universities can organize more online meetings so as to facilitate future cooperation. In the end, Professor Dong expressed his thanks to all the professors of State Key laboratory and the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering for their lectures and support, and to all the participant professors for their questions and comments.