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Opening Ceremony | Training Workshop on Water Management in Rice-based Cropping Systems under Lancang Mekong Cooperation

On November 6, 2023, themed “Water Management in Rice-based Cropping Systems”, the training program co-organized by School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering and State Ley Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, was officially opened. More than 30 scholars from Wuhan University, Thuy Loi University, Yangon Technological University, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Chulalongkorn University, and National University of Laos, and 2 professionals from Ministry of Education and Sport and Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, Laos attended the program. Mr. Gui Lin, Deputy Director of Office of International Affairs also attended the ceremony and gave an address on behalf of Wuhan University.

The opening ceremony was presided by Miss. Huang Xiaoyu, Secretary of Foreign Affair, the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering. On behalf of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Professor Cheng Lei, State Ley Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Professor Qian Zhongdong and Professor Dong Bin delivered speeches respectively.

All the professors extended sincere thanks and warm welcome to all of the scholars coming afar. Professor Cheng noted that through this workshop, knowledge of rice water-saving irrigation technology is expected to be widely disseminated in the Mekong River Basin, and the experience of its promotion and application be exchanged, thereby strongly promoting the popularization and application of water-saving irrigation for rice in Southeast Asian countries. Professor Qian shared his research experiences in Southeast Asian countries and his wish for deeper cooperation between China and Lancang-Mekong countries. Professor Dong introduced the objective, arrangement and significance of this training workshop and expressed his hope that all of them can enjoy their stay and make good memory at Wuhan University.

After the opening ceremony, Professor Liu Dedi from the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering gave the first presentation of this training program. Professor Liu shared relevant research results on the two topics of "A Fair Approach for Multi-objective Water Resource Management " and "Integrated Water Resources Management", and engaged in a heated discussion with the participants on the priority of water allocation.

         In the afternoon, Professor Chen Jie gave a presentation entitled "Global Climate Change and its Impact on Hydrology and Water Resources". Around the topics of water cycle, climate change, climate and extremes, etc., he shared his research results. The participants actively discussed with Professor Chen on bias correction, data change model and climate model.

The participants also visited the campus of Wuhan University under the guidance of volunteers to experience the cultural history and campus scenery of Wuhan University, which will celebrate its 130th anniversary soon.

The training program will cover the following 7 topics: water-saving irrigation for rice; response to global climate change; water resources distribution; the modernization of irrigation systems, flood and drought prevention and control, soil salinization control, farmland water environment protection and restoration.  Participants will have the opportunity to listen to presentations, and participate in practical case studies and field trips in order to learn how to better address challenges in irrigation management.

Hope this program can promote innovation and enhance the cooperation between Lancang-Mekong countries, thereby together, we can create a brighter future for the Lancang-Mekong countries and our global community.